Sunday, November 16, 2008


We dusted the old drum kit off today. The loft makes a great practise room. Lisa's first ever go on a drum kit... I think she likes it...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Birthday

We had another bonfire and more fireworks on my birthday. It was a great night. Here's me and Lisa enjoying being out by the fire....

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bonfire Party

Tonight was the night of our Bonfire Party. As is traditional it was a blend of Bonfire, Chilli, Beer and Fireworks. It was a great night. Here's Lisa sparklering... Everyone was mesmerised by the fire...
The fireworks were fantastic. Thanks for bringing such a brilliant selection!!!
By 10 o'clock it proved all too much for some...
Cheers for coming. Thanks for all the good wishes, cards and pressies. Great to see everyone. See you all again next year.