Thursday, October 31, 2019

Melon Halloween

The kids went up the road to get pumpkins, but they had sold out so they came back with water melons :-) 


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

London Treat :-)

Karen birthday present...trip to London to see 'Of Monsters And Men' and London.  A portrait of Jackson Pollock in a studio near Covent Garden....
Walking along the Thames near Hammersmith Bridge...
We went in the Dove pub, which had the smallest public bar in the world, and a certificate signed by Norris McWhirter.  Cheers...
'Of Monsters And Men' at the Hammersmith Apollo..
Next day we had a wander through China Town...
Lunch :-)
We went to see a show...'The Man in the White Suit' at the Wyndham Theatre, Leicester Square...
Steve Mangan is man who invents a ever-lasting material, but has to protect his invention from the big company bosses...All good fun...
Top Trip...

Sunday, October 27, 2019


On the way home from Will's we stopped for some skydiving :-) 
Joe in the sky....

2 Abbey Close, Keynsham

On the way back from Will's we stopped in at 2 Abbey Close, Keynsham.  The house in which their dad was born :-) 

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Biking Poole

The Thursday Mountain Bikers headed for Poole this weekend for a spot of biking and bit of socialing :-)
We started from Corfe and rode along the ridge towards Old Harry rocks...
The lads and Old Harry Rocks!!!
Geoff and Paul...
Up on Ballard Down....
Excellent Ploughman's in the Barns Arms Inn in Studland...cheers...
On the way back there was a couple of tough climbs :-)
Fantastic night out in Poole.  We saw the The Martin Warman Blues Band in the amazing Kings Charles pub (1305!)...
Next day we had a ride in the New was a little damp in places....
Great weekend...can't wait for the next one :-)