Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Chores Day

We spent the morning in Victoria today paying bills, picking up post and sorting out some stuff at the bank. We found a very nice new pizza place for lunch and after that went to the Natural History Museum. Like the pizza it was surprisingly good. I wanted to check out what cone shells looked like. They are the most poisonous thing in the sea and I wanted to make sure I didn't touch one while I was snorkeling. They don't look like much, but they do have enough poison on board to kill an elephant. This is the most deadly one (Conus Geographus)...We stopped at the beach for a swim on the way home, making sure we avoided any iffy looking shells!

When we got home we found a very bold Green Gecko feasting on scraps of food on our table..

P.S. I've just read the latest Coal Exchange FC report from new manager Jez. Through to the next round of the Cup on penalties...nice one boys!!

P.P.S. Happy Birthday Peter...hope the parcel got there in time.